It snowed all day yesterday:) It didnt stick though:(
Good News (Not the Jesus kind):
I've been thinking my myspace profile was a little bland for a while now, so I've decided to get back on the educational wagon and teach myself how to make an entire flash website. I'm hoping that this will eventually bring me skill enough to mastermind my own design portfolio.
Bad News:
Its getting really hard for me to concentrate at my job. I hate not being in the field i want to end up in. Design is really all i want to do, and scanning records and printing faxes have both just lost their luster. Maybe somebody should put some colored paper in the printer so it'll make me chuckle for 5 seconds.
The Ugly .....Stuff:
The consecuences of me putting colored paper in one of the printers would probably consist of me chuckling loudly then getting yelled at by my manager.... woah is me. The entertqainment value seems to greatly out weigh the consecuences. I'm so gonna have some fun today.
On another note, messing with people in your office is very dangerous business kids, so dont try this unless you have very little supervision, otherwise you could get fired:p
Obsessions: Deviantart , Emailing the guy who i bought my iphone on ebay from every 5 minutes until he ships the damn thing!, nike+