Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Fasting Facebook: Day 1 recap

So yesterday, after posting on Facebook that I wasn't going to be on for a long while, people posted comments on my stuff. This led me to the conclusion that my inbox is going to get pretty ridiculous if I plan on not even reading my notifications. (which I do plan on not reading them)

I devised a plan to sort my inbox so that I wont have to read facebook titles or actual notifications ever. If you're not familiar with GMail they not have folders all the mail is archived after reading or deleted, but if you leave something unread it tends to scream at you in big bold letters. Instead of folders, they have filters so everything is stored in the same searchable mail but can also be sorted to only show certain things.

Now that I have set this up, I have 2 filters one that catches anything from facebook and labels it not important, and one that catches everything else and labels it important. This has been really helpful in making me realize that 90% of my emails are from facebook. I now know more than ever that I have to do this. I have to rid myself of this time-sucker.

So other than that brilliant story about my venture into GMail filters, my life has been pretty vivid without the stress of checking ones Facebook, and wondering if anyone has commented about the pics I posted last week. Its all just a big waste of time. I mean honestly, the reason I started myspacing wasn't because everyone had one. It was because I liked having a public creative outlet. It did eventually grow into a monster of a time-sucker though.

That's when I joined facebook. Facebook had stolen a majority of my friends away from myspace and thus had forced me to merge all my profile info to facebook, and just toss out my artistic custom page. I must admit, Facebook has some pretty intense java scripted applications running nonstop on even the homepage. They have really stepped up the bar as far as convenience goes.

Sorry, I just caught myself thinking about Facebook, and all the good things about it.

Alright now that I've taken why too much space up not talking about my recap here goes.
Day 1: I find myself, as expected, more productive at work. I got way more work done yesterday than I probably have ever gotten done in one day here before. I placed an order online for a Holga 135 w/5 rolls of film. I had a great afternoon, sitting by the pool, Jogging with MacKenzie, and watching He's Just Not That Into You. And today I feel so stress free.

PS: check out the photo community I'm going to be joining to post pics taken with my new camera:)