Thursday, June 25, 2009

Back in the day was a Thursday

// Unexpected visit from John and Josh results in good night written in pseudo code
partyWithGreatFriends = true;

If (partyWithGreatFriends == true)
then {
catanPlayed = true;
domPlayed = true;
trueBloodWatched = true;
tripToMcdonalds = true;
jamesWinsCatan = true;
picturesOfTripleSacTaken = true;
print("Last night was awesome. /n /n On a side note, LONG LIVE ALABAMA-THUNDERPUSSY!");

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Safe and Sound in Phone Lines

Yesterday I was mowing the grass, and while listening to my playlist on MacKenzie's iPod I came across a song I had added a while ago. It made me think about my philosophy towards life and the people around me.

"All things aside, I will be enough for you." - A Change of Pace

I try to live my life with this as my guideline. Everyone I meet, I try to be enough for what they need right then right there. Any one of my friends can attest to the fact that I'm always there to talk when they need me. So this is me reminding myself and everyone else that no matter what I or you may be going through, someone else probably has it worse and even if they dont it shouldnt factor into how you treat them. Love each other more than you love yourselves!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Today I remembered a funny joke

Well back in the good old days, (the good old days are defined as the period of time before John went away to the academy), There was this artist named Curtis, he used to always rap about how he had been shot nine times and still didnt die, and how all other rappers were fake as shit. Needless to say John and I could connect with him more than any other artist because John idolizes black people above all other races, and me well im just straight hood.

He was known by the name 50 Cent. I always wondered why he wasnt "50 cents". but nonetheless he was 50 Cent and he had this song called disco inferno. The hook went something like this: shake shake shashashake that ass girl. So being the goof balls we were we used to sing along with Mr. 50 Cent and change the lyrics to shake shake shashashake that FACE girl. It was a monumental change and it blew the minds of everyone around. I dont think 50 ever got wind of our lyrical rewrite but maybe someday I'll meet him and rap my version to him.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Today I started something new...

As the title already stated, today i started something new. Its got something to do with me and its got something to do with you. Everyday used to be the same old black and blue, I used to feel stuck in one place with super glue. Until today I didn't know all of what I knew. But thanks to you, now I feel like what I used to think I couldn't do, Is now possible to pull through.

I'm elated and don't know why. Today has just been awesome:)

Friday, June 19, 2009

A nerds life is a trivial one

I've been thinking a lot lately. Not about anything in particular. Just thinking longer and more in depth on any thought that crosses my mind. I dont know why I'm putting so much thought into every one of my ideas, but i feels great. Sadly since I'm putting so much thought into my new blog idea I hinted at in the last post, I have yet to post anything, I've got a lot written just not enough for all of my ideas to be put out there.

I'm looking for others to help me with my new blog. Like say I could write articles on a certain aspect of Magic and someone else could write articles about another aspect. It could be fun. I've already got the layout and everything set up, I just need some content. Its called Regenerate Target Monger, and can be found here!

Other than the mood update here are my weekend plans: FNM (Friday Night Magic), PTQ Austin, Lunch with my dad, MacKenzie's Birthday!

Friday, June 12, 2009

FNM (Friday Night Magic)

I have this addiction. I've brought up my plans to kick this addiction on this blog once before. I cant kick it. I enjoy playing Magic: The Gathering, way too much! That being said, it greatly upsets me that the closest friday night magic event is on the southside of Indianapolis. :(

We have a freaking card shop in our small city that has recently changed ownership and has expressed interest in running a FNM. However when I asked them how soon they would be starting this, they didnt really have a firm answer. They told me they have to inventory the entire stock of cards that they bought, from the previous owner. double sad face time :( :(

I'm thinking about offering my services to them just so we can get the FNM started. I'd totally help them do inventory for free if it meant FNM sooner.

PS: I'm going to start blogging about my deck ideas in the future, I'll probably start a different blog though. So when that happens I'll for sure link it up!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Adventures of a Filthy Dirty Pirate

Well you might or might not know this about me. I'm a geek. I made my own computer. Installed a hacked version of windows on it. Oops I mean I installed a freeware operating system that looks exactly like windows and does everything windows does, but for free! Any who, I'm good with computers and can usually fix stuff if its not a hardware issue, in wich case I can fix that too I just have to order the parts.

For my latest quest, I set out on the seas we all so lovingly call the web, to find a free copy of The Sims 3. Isohunt is a great place to find torrents of games and other things. It took me roughly 24 hrs to download, so yesterday when I got home from work it was ready. I made sure to scan every file included for viruses. Once I was sure the water was safe, I dove in. 6 hours later I had installed The Sims 3 on 2 computers, and started 2 families. I've noticed that the super fast speed setting doesnt really work. but what can i say other than hey its free!

So until further notice mine and MacKenzie's nights will be filled with Sims 3 action.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Fasting Facebook: Day ... oh who honsetly cares

So I'm officially over facebook addiction, I can now resume my life as normal just with more intense activities such as photo-jogging, photo-blogging, and anything else that has intense connotations and involves my new camera! I also have regressed from the digital age of pictures and am loving every minute of it. I'm taking snap shots with my enormous holga 135 everywhere. Well not technically everywhere, just places with enough natural light to warrant me snaping a shot.

So if somebody wants to get me a flash I may start taking pictures all the time!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fasting Facebook: Day 3 Recap

Day 3 was a good one. Once again not a single new Facebook notification. After work I went on over to Lebanon Sports and Fitness to sign my membership documents and get my card. I am officially addicted to getting in shape. Any free time I have is dedicated to either working out, playing basketball, swimming, or looking up diets and exercises on the internet. I think I'm going to start commuting to work via road bike. Theres one in Zionsville for $50, its a retro road bike. when I say retro i mean retro.
Todays new so far: My camera was officially out in a UPS truck for delivery at 1 AM this morning so maybe I'll have it by lunch time! :) I've got to clean up the house tonight because the twin's Open House is tomorrow.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fasting Facebook: Day 2 recap

Yesterday it was surprisingly easier for me to avoid Facebook. I scanned a lot of medical records all day, that's all I did. I had a 45 minute lunch with MacKenzie. My new camera is supposed to get here tomorrow. I cant wait to take some candid pictures and go pay to get them developed. :) The days of old have returned. Yesterday I got not a single facebook notification, so my total unread messages from them stands at 5.

Welcome to day 3! Today seems like a flyleaf kind of day. I need that extra energy burst that the hard rock guitar provides me. I dont have any lunch plans for today, so someone should hit me up on my cell.

If anyone sees me tomorrow after work they should pose because Im getting my camera shipped to my work address, so that by the time work is over I'll be ready for some kick ass dual exposure pics. Hopefully it doesn't rain so I will have enough light to shoot after work. :/

Check out this awesome pic taken with a camera just like the one I'm getting!

It was taken in Switzerland, Its now made its way over to Lebanon as my desktop BG

Today's Planned Tasks: (will be henceforth known as TPT)
1. Figure out a way to get my Nike+ dongle to work with my iPhone.
2. Either play some basketball, or go jogging.
3. Burn Yes Man! (which i downloaded last night) onto a DVD
4. Move my XBox 360 into my computer room, for a hardline internet connection!
5. Play either some Gears 2, or some TF2, or buy Sims 3!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Fasting Facebook: Day 1 recap

So yesterday, after posting on Facebook that I wasn't going to be on for a long while, people posted comments on my stuff. This led me to the conclusion that my inbox is going to get pretty ridiculous if I plan on not even reading my notifications. (which I do plan on not reading them)

I devised a plan to sort my inbox so that I wont have to read facebook titles or actual notifications ever. If you're not familiar with GMail they not have folders all the mail is archived after reading or deleted, but if you leave something unread it tends to scream at you in big bold letters. Instead of folders, they have filters so everything is stored in the same searchable mail but can also be sorted to only show certain things.

Now that I have set this up, I have 2 filters one that catches anything from facebook and labels it not important, and one that catches everything else and labels it important. This has been really helpful in making me realize that 90% of my emails are from facebook. I now know more than ever that I have to do this. I have to rid myself of this time-sucker.

So other than that brilliant story about my venture into GMail filters, my life has been pretty vivid without the stress of checking ones Facebook, and wondering if anyone has commented about the pics I posted last week. Its all just a big waste of time. I mean honestly, the reason I started myspacing wasn't because everyone had one. It was because I liked having a public creative outlet. It did eventually grow into a monster of a time-sucker though.

That's when I joined facebook. Facebook had stolen a majority of my friends away from myspace and thus had forced me to merge all my profile info to facebook, and just toss out my artistic custom page. I must admit, Facebook has some pretty intense java scripted applications running nonstop on even the homepage. They have really stepped up the bar as far as convenience goes.

Sorry, I just caught myself thinking about Facebook, and all the good things about it.

Alright now that I've taken why too much space up not talking about my recap here goes.
Day 1: I find myself, as expected, more productive at work. I got way more work done yesterday than I probably have ever gotten done in one day here before. I placed an order online for a Holga 135 w/5 rolls of film. I had a great afternoon, sitting by the pool, Jogging with MacKenzie, and watching He's Just Not That Into You. And today I feel so stress free.

PS: check out the photo community I'm going to be joining to post pics taken with my new camera:)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fasting Facebook: The effect of not depending on social networking introduction

So, the internet has been down at my house for the past 4 to 5 days on and off for some reason and it has been torturous. I feel like this is mainly because of mine and everyone else's hyper-dependance on facebook. So I going to try and tear my heart away from its love of facebook. Lets say I'm making a "Horcrux " out of facebook. for any of you that dont know what that means or understand what a Horcrux is, go here.

So now that everyone gets that I was making a nerd joke:), lets get down to business, my usage of the internet from now on will consist of youtube, blogger of course, and pretty much any thing other than facebook or myspace. I cant wait to see what kind of hobbies or interests I discover with all of my non-wasted time.

PS: I think I've found the perfect solution to my lost camera woes, here. and I will be updating my status, on my twitter whenever I get the urge to facebook. Hopefully this means I'll get in the habit of blogging daily. So check back daily!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Yesterday I went up to indiana beach and once i got there i realized I haven't seen my digital camera in ages. When I got home last night I was deeply saddened by the fact that I could not find it anywhere.

So until further notice, I'm searching for a good deal on a nice camera, and any photos will be taken from my crappy iPhone's camera.

For just 69.99 I could get this 8 megapixel beast and a 2gb sd card:) I might do that to remedy this quite depressing turn of events.