Friday, June 5, 2009

Fasting Facebook: Day 3 Recap

Day 3 was a good one. Once again not a single new Facebook notification. After work I went on over to Lebanon Sports and Fitness to sign my membership documents and get my card. I am officially addicted to getting in shape. Any free time I have is dedicated to either working out, playing basketball, swimming, or looking up diets and exercises on the internet. I think I'm going to start commuting to work via road bike. Theres one in Zionsville for $50, its a retro road bike. when I say retro i mean retro.
Todays new so far: My camera was officially out in a UPS truck for delivery at 1 AM this morning so maybe I'll have it by lunch time! :) I've got to clean up the house tonight because the twin's Open House is tomorrow.