Friday, June 12, 2009

FNM (Friday Night Magic)

I have this addiction. I've brought up my plans to kick this addiction on this blog once before. I cant kick it. I enjoy playing Magic: The Gathering, way too much! That being said, it greatly upsets me that the closest friday night magic event is on the southside of Indianapolis. :(

We have a freaking card shop in our small city that has recently changed ownership and has expressed interest in running a FNM. However when I asked them how soon they would be starting this, they didnt really have a firm answer. They told me they have to inventory the entire stock of cards that they bought, from the previous owner. double sad face time :( :(

I'm thinking about offering my services to them just so we can get the FNM started. I'd totally help them do inventory for free if it meant FNM sooner.

PS: I'm going to start blogging about my deck ideas in the future, I'll probably start a different blog though. So when that happens I'll for sure link it up!