Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fasting Facebook: Day 2 recap

Yesterday it was surprisingly easier for me to avoid Facebook. I scanned a lot of medical records all day, that's all I did. I had a 45 minute lunch with MacKenzie. My new camera is supposed to get here tomorrow. I cant wait to take some candid pictures and go pay to get them developed. :) The days of old have returned. Yesterday I got not a single facebook notification, so my total unread messages from them stands at 5.

Welcome to day 3! Today seems like a flyleaf kind of day. I need that extra energy burst that the hard rock guitar provides me. I dont have any lunch plans for today, so someone should hit me up on my cell.

If anyone sees me tomorrow after work they should pose because Im getting my camera shipped to my work address, so that by the time work is over I'll be ready for some kick ass dual exposure pics. Hopefully it doesn't rain so I will have enough light to shoot after work. :/

Check out this awesome pic taken with a camera just like the one I'm getting!

It was taken in Switzerland, Its now made its way over to Lebanon as my desktop BG

Today's Planned Tasks: (will be henceforth known as TPT)
1. Figure out a way to get my Nike+ dongle to work with my iPhone.
2. Either play some basketball, or go jogging.
3. Burn Yes Man! (which i downloaded last night) onto a DVD
4. Move my XBox 360 into my computer room, for a hardline internet connection!
5. Play either some Gears 2, or some TF2, or buy Sims 3!