Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Today I remembered a funny joke

Well back in the good old days, (the good old days are defined as the period of time before John went away to the academy), There was this artist named Curtis, he used to always rap about how he had been shot nine times and still didnt die, and how all other rappers were fake as shit. Needless to say John and I could connect with him more than any other artist because John idolizes black people above all other races, and me well im just straight hood.

He was known by the name 50 Cent. I always wondered why he wasnt "50 cents". but nonetheless he was 50 Cent and he had this song called disco inferno. The hook went something like this: shake shake shashashake that ass girl. So being the goof balls we were we used to sing along with Mr. 50 Cent and change the lyrics to shake shake shashashake that FACE girl. It was a monumental change and it blew the minds of everyone around. I dont think 50 ever got wind of our lyrical rewrite but maybe someday I'll meet him and rap my version to him.

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